As you can see in this blog are dy pair of hands that share the models :) Now we have decided a challenge : 354 challenge! that means in 365 days we are going to try hard to bring new models.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Trend : Thonjte me Vija / Striped Nails

Day 3 of 365 Nail Art challenge 
 Trendi me i fundit : Vijat bardhe e zi. // Black and white stripes for nails.
Dhe une thonjte e te henes vendosa ti bej me vija (stripes).
Mora frymezim nga nje kemishe e imja me vija . // Got inspiration from one of my shirts.
Shpresoj tju pelqejne :) // Hope you like it

Ne fillim lyejme bazen me ngjyre te bardhe // At first paint the base with white colour
Me manykyr penel ngjyre te zeze bejme vijat. // i have gabrini nal art for stripes
     Ky eshte rezultati i thojit te pare. // first nail result
Rezultati i parafundit. mbasi shikoja duart vazhdimisht mendoja se dicka mungon :/   . dhe zgjodha nje aksesor shtese  per thonjte me vija

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