As you can see in this blog are dy pair of hands that share the models :) Now we have decided a challenge : 354 challenge! that means in 365 days we are going to try hard to bring new models.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Favourite Nail Model to do / Modeli im i preferuar per te bere thonjte

Day 3 of 365 Nail Art challenge 
 Jo me kot e quaj te prefeuruar kete model , sepse eshte i thjeshte dhe nxjerr rezultat shume te bukur.
Pasioni im per te provuar modele te ndryshme thonjsh nisi nga tutorialet ne Youtube + imagjinata ime.
Dhe thonjte qe do shikoni me poshte shpresoj tju pelqejne ti beni edhe ju ;)
 I call favourite this model , because it is super easy to do and the result is beautiful for my eyes. 
My passion for changing the nails model often started by youtube tutorials, so i wanted to share with all of you  the models that come from imagination + youtube tutorials. 
Soon i will be making my own youtube tutorials, so hope you enjoy ;)
Please do not by shy to comment! I like to hear reviews.
 Ky eshte rezultati final / So this is the final result. I love them on my nails , i am sorry that camera does not show them in HD.

Gjerat qe do ju nevojiten , gjeja e verdhe eshte nje sfungjer enesh 10 leksh. // What you will need, nail polish and sponge (this one is dish sponge)

 Ngjyra e bardhe qe preferoj un per kete model eshte pjeserish transparente, pra jo e bardhe 100%. // the white color i like to use is white transparent , not 100% white, it fits well in nails.

Lyejme bazen dhe ja rezultati fillestar // start coloring the base and here is the first result

 Un zgjedh ngjyren gri me shkelqim per te dhene efektin french ne thonj, lyejme sfungjerin me ngjyren gri pak ne cep dhe e vendosim ne thonj. // choose a shiny gray color and paint the sponge then put it on the nails.
 Gjithshtu dhe ngjyra blu duhet te jete me shkelqim  // also the blue colour must be shiny

 Vendosja e sfungjerit ne pjesen e zgjatur te thojit Jo ne gjithe thojin // put the sponge on the french part of the nail
 Rezultati i thojit te pare , ne te njejten menyre veprojme me gjith thonjte // first nail result , like this will go on 10 nails

 Rezultati i thonjve vetem me ngjyren gri , mund ti lini edhe keshtu ngjajne lezetshem // the result of the nail with only gray color . you can let them like this they are nice
Nese doni te vazhdoni me tej perserisni te njejten procedure me ngjyren blu dhe me sfungjer , por kur ta vendosim ne thonj leme pak nga shkelqimi gri qe te duket. // if you want to go on do the same with blue color, when you put the sponge on nail let some gray shine to be visible
 resulatit i thojit te pare me ngjyren blu // first nail result with blue color

 Dhe rezultati final . // And here the final result :)

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